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Ma'ati Village will be an eco - friendly retreat and  holistic healing community that will sustain ecological balance by incorporating the use of solar energy, organic farming and other natural resources and techniques. We will offer events, classes, as well as a variety of natural healing products and modalities.


Our mission is to create a community that will provide a caring, learning environment for ourselves and others regardless of religion, gender, or age to come and heal from dis-eases of the body, mind, and spirit. 


Ma’ati Village is where our members (individuals, families and children) can truly have the freedom, throughout the year, to experience the beauty of and reconnect with Mother Earth and each other in MAAT - order; justice, balance, harmony, reciprocity, righteousness, and compassion.

Good morning Nepal_edited.jpg
Image by Sonnie Hiles




Image by Ralph (Ravi) Kayden


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